With social, environmental and sustainable practices attracting increased scrutiny and visibility across its businesses, Swire Pacific wanted a report that better engaged its readership of stakeholders, green groups and employees. By partnering with Stepworks, Swire Pacific developed an interactive report in the form of a website that presented its extensive content in a coherent, engaging way.
Thriving together
Inspired by Swire Pacific’s brand identity and its internal sustainability strategy SwireTHRIVE, Stepworks devised a distinctive identity for the report through thematic headlines, continuing line illustrations and clear content hierarchies. Stepworks advised Swire Pacific on copywriting, image selection and the data presentation to make the report easier to digest for readers.
To help readers better engage with the report’s wealth of content, Stepworks added subtle animations that elevated the impact of infographics, illustrations and site navigation. A key challenge to building the report online was concisely and attractively expressing Swire Pacific’s annual performance data. Stepworks developed a customisation tool for users to select and compare multiple data sets across Swire Pacific’s businesses.
Guided by the creative and digital expertise of Stepworks, Swire Pacific developed a report that was more user-friendly, engaging and better communicated the group’s commitment to sustainability.
“We are very impressed with the Stepworks team's project management of our online sustainability report. Stepworks' digital and design expertise helped us create a more interactive and engaging user experience while maintaining the strength of our brand. From the SD team at Swire Pacific, we say thanks for a productive partnership.” – Dr Mark Watson, Head of Sustainable Development at Swire Pacific