Aligning brand strategy to advance business goals

Business objectivesExpansion, Strategic shift, Upgrade brand
Systems DigitalCommunications

Branding smart to capture opportunities in AI

Born in 2008, Motherapp began as a pioneering mobile app developer. The visionary company produced a range of popular apps and quickly earned respect for their ability to create success for their team, partners and clients.

After 10 years the leadership team felt their name might be pigeonholing them as “just an app developer” and limiting future opportunities. It also sought a comprehensive review of its corporate identity and communications strategy. 

The objective of the project was to correctly position Motherapp as the leader in smart digital applications in key sectors.


Value created

Leadership asserted – After exploring and testing a number of strategic directions, the team realised Motherapp’s core strength is the care they take to ensure success. This is crucial in view of the high failure rate of digital projects.

Misperceptions corrected – The process clarified Motherapp’s role and built a communications platform to position them as a digital business consultant instead of an app studio.

Clarity of purpose – Motherapp is a company founded on ideals and vision. These are clearly articulated to better attract and engage with the right kind of client, partner and potential recruit.

Greater credibility – Motherapp is now positioned to develop new opportunities in artificial intelligence, IoT and data analytics. Their obvious ability and caring approach raise their appeal in a sector serving people who are often understandably nervous about investing in technology.

Motherapp’s new logo and positioning phrase instantly convey a sense of premium quality. The company’s function, purpose and promise are easily understood
Branding Digital
API integration
Content creation
Security planning
SEO strategy
UX and UI
Web development Communications

Why a digital agency engaged us to help develop their website

Digital consultant Motherapp asked Stepworks to help build a new website as part of an extensive rebrand initiative. As digital specialists they are more than qualified to develop their own website.

They saw the collaboration as a valuable opportunity to get the perspective of an outsider. Taking the client role in a service relationship offered insights into how they might better serve their own clients. 

Stepworks applied a methodology that enabled Motherapp to define, refine and approve messages and navigation before designs or code were produced. The website was carefully structured to help various types of visitor quickly fulfil their objectives. Best practice SEO was embedded from the beginning. Built on the popular Wordpress platform, the website is designed for easy maintenance and ongoing evolution. 

Value created

Quality perception – A consistent delivery of relevant messages and polished identity associates the brand with quality and helps audiences identify the source.

Enhanced appeal – Motherapp’s careful and consistent approach to its own identity reassure stakeholders that their needs will be taken care of thoughtfully and with serious intention.

Motherapp’s offering is complex. Customer conversion occurs after a lengthy process. High involvement purchase decisions typically require more explanation
News, case studies, insights and events can easily be added to the website thanks to the myriad of functions available via the Wordpress platform
BrandingDigital Communications
Presentation deck
Video & motion graphics

A polished corporate image that conveys caring and ability

A technology service business like Motherapp’s offers little in the way of tangible product. It’s possible for users to become immersed in Motherapp’s work yet have no idea of its source.

This is why it’s important to convey an image of consistent brand quality at every possible customer touchpoint. 

These touchpoints include user documentation, presentations, working environments, email, corporate communications and various owned media channels. Part of the rebrand project involved developing a set of branded tools, templates and guidelines that would ensure Motherapp always left a clear impression they cared deeply about all aspects of their business. 

Value created

Quality perception – A consistent delivery of relevant messages and polished identity associates the brand with quality and helps audiences identify the source.

Enhanced appeal – Motherapp’s careful and consistent approach to its own identity reassure stakeholders that their needs will be taken care of thoughtfully and with serious intention. 

Easy-to-understand online brand guidelines help the team to present the company correctly


The design language creates a visually pleasing consistency in photography, illustrations, infographics and other brand elements
“I am very pleased with the results of our rebrand. Technology keeps changing and so do our solutions and services, but what stays the same is our care to customers and interests in the intersection of business needs and technology innovation. With the help of Stepworks, customers can really see us for what we are, and easily understand the value we offer.”

Ken Law, CEO

Let’s talk about building your brand
+852 3678 8700

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702, LKF 29
29 Wyndham Street
Central, Hong Kong