A new stage for a celebrity chef

Business objectivesExpansion, Increase sales
Invisible Kitchen
Product & packaging
Key messages Digital

How to make an invisible brand stand out

Many celebrities have been wowed by the gourmet delights of Chef Tom Burney while visiting Hong Kong. Chris Hemsworth, Kylie Minogue and Keanu Reeves are among those who have tasted the personal chef’s delights.

So more people could enjoy his art, Chef Tom decided to launch a premium catering service with gourmet food delivery, plus frozen retal meals. 

Tom recruited branding agency Stepworks to crystallise and express his vision of the brand. The collaboration began with brand research and strategy development, which led to the name Invisible Kitchen. The brand was launched with the positioning phrase: Come home to gourmet dining.

Value created

Media attention – The eyecatching new brand attracted significant media coverage and was featured in seven publications including the SCMP and Oriental Daily

Effective naming – The evocative name, along with the .com domain, proved both distinctive and thought-provoking

Memorable identity – Quirky illustrations and messaging attracted people’s attention and helped make the brand distinctive

Logos with hidden meanings engage viewers, like the bracket in Invisible Kitchen’s logo, which displays supporting graphics
Illustrations symbolising delivery in quirky ways add interest and relevance to the brand
Photo of a name card designed for Invisible Kitchen by Stepworks
Held to the light, the logo on Invisible Kitchen’s business card reveals a key image
Branding Digital
Content creation
SEO strategy
UX and UI
Web development

Website realises founder’s brand vision

Stepworks applied their deep web digital experience to develop a launch website for the Invisible Kitchen brand.

The website was developed to distribute Invisible Kitchen products online. The team spent special attention to apply best practices SEO. This effort had valuable results, with the website appearing in top 10 organic searches for hotly contested keywords.

The engaging, informative and easy-to-use website expressed the founder’s vision of his brand. By aligning business, brand and digital strategies, the website produces ongoing value for the company.

Value created

Generating interest – The site engaged visitors with consistent and effective  brand messages. Every page encouraged involvement and conversion with calls to action and clear paths to user fulfillment

Easy UI/UX – Simple order and reservation paths allow customers get what they want faster and easier, and increases sales

SEO effectiveness – Invisible Kitchen is prominently shown on page one of Google search results, for relevant keywords such as “Hong Kong caterer”

Photo of concept Invisible Kitchen website design on an iPad by Stepworks

Building strong digital and brand foundations gave the new business valuable traction for future growth

Let’s talk about building your brand

+852 3678 8700

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702, LKF 29
29 Wyndham Street
Central, Hong Kong