+852 3678 8700
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19/F, LKF 29
29 Wyndham Street
Central, Hong Kong
For the first time, Hong Kong Jockey Club decided to outsource the naming of a new social initiative. They chose Stepworks to help with the branding.
For the first time, Hong Kong Jockey Club decided to outsource the naming of a new social initiative. They chose Stepworks to help with the branding.
The project involved developing a computational thinking programme with MIT to instil computer science principles in early education.
We applied the computer science principle of data compression to derive the name CoolThink@JC from the string computational thinking at Jockey Club.
This was translated into a brand identity and system that was successfully applied across the programme.
Successful outcomes – The enjoyable development process included detailed explanations, lively debate and common objectives, which helped the project proceed smoothly to success.
High audience appeal – The pilot programme was successfully rolled out and expanded to a wider audience. Fun, thoughtful branding contributed to its success.
Strong collaborations – Stepworks’ Wholehearted Brand Building methodology aligned the culturally diverse HK and US teams. Together they smoothly got the green light from HKJC’s senior board members.
+852 3678 8700
Or use our enquiry form
19/F, LKF 29
29 Wyndham Street
Central, Hong Kong