A code-inspired brand engages kids with computer science

Business objectivesNew offering, Shape perceptions
Hong Kong Jockey Club CoolThink

HKJC and MIT team up to launch a digital education program

For the first time, Hong Kong Jockey Club decided to outsource the naming of a new social initiative. They chose Stepworks to help with the branding.

For the first time, Hong Kong Jockey Club decided to outsource the naming of a new social initiative. They chose Stepworks to help with the branding. 

The project involved developing a computational thinking programme with MIT to instil computer science principles in early education. 

We applied the computer science principle of data compression to derive the name CoolThink@JC from the string computational thinking at Jockey Club.

This was translated into a brand identity and system that was successfully applied across the programme.

Photo credit: Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

Value created

Successful outcomes – The enjoyable development process included detailed explanations, lively debate and common objectives, which helped the project proceed smoothly to success.

High audience appeal – The pilot programme was successfully rolled out and expanded to a wider audience. Fun, thoughtful branding contributed to its success.

Strong collaborations – Stepworks’ Wholehearted Brand Building methodology aligned the culturally diverse HK and US teams. Together they smoothly got the green light from HKJC’s senior board members.

The distinctive new logo built on the name by including coding symbols
Stationery and guidelines empowered the team to develop the perceptions of consistency that communicates quality 
The brand passed the tee-shirt test – people liked to wear it

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